Looking for

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574 Häuserspuren ...
Die Häuser in Hann. Mündens Kernstadt

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HousesRemarkableOwners since 1730

Rudolf Wegner
574 Häuserspuren...

All houses in the historic center of Hann.Muenden

- Numbers, position and owners -

between 1730

and the beginning of the 20th century

How to start 
What is to do with "574 Haeuserspuren"?

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1730 the first land-cataster of Muenden was written, with 562 numbers of houses.
1820 there were 574 numbers. They are the base of this work.
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IIn these old registers is spoken of "Brauhaus" and "Kothhaus" in the xyz-street. Which house was it, is it today?
Here ist the problem and the way, it was guessed.
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Here you will find a sensitive map, with the numbers of 1820 and today.
It leads you to the wished house.
1730 / 1820
1902 / heute
Maybe you know only a number of 1820 or 1730 or 1900 or of today -
here you can search directly.
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A sensitive picture (by air) guides you to all the streets.
The next step: Decide, whether you want to have a summary of the whole street or just bigger pictures of one (ore more) fixed house.
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There are a lot of peculiarities in Muenden - framework, carved works, roof-trees... The eldest house was built in 1381! 
Looking for
Ask for names (of your ancestors?) or professions or peculiarities...
You´ll get a list of all houses, the item is mentionend.
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Something about the author and all who helped to bring it into the web.
Please, let me know, what to make better!

eMail: Rudolf.Wegner@t-online.de
574 Häuserspuren ...
                   Version 3

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© 2001 Rudolf Wegner
web-space sponsored by BEFO GmbH w3-realisation by H. Gruber & Hann-Muenden.net